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ChajulKDM_Feb2013 093Philanthropiece has a new home in Chajul! A recent visit from the entire Philanthropiece Advisory Board coincided perfectly with the opening of the new Philanthropiece office in Chajul. Located directly below the public library that we also support, the Philanthropiece office will be a space for the entire community. It will be a center for learning and creativity, and the public will frequently be invited to participate and collaborate. The newly renovated building provides ample study space for our Scholars and a perfect area to hold workshops, meetings, and trainings. Already this month, our friends from Starfish One by One came to Chajul to use our beautiful office to offer a workshop on popular education.

The Philanthropiece Scholars were proud to welcome the board to their new home and even held a special ribbon-cutting ceremony where Director Libby Cook inaugurated this new era for Philanthropiece in Chajul. Advisory Board members worked hand in hand with the Philanthropiece Scholars to put up a fresh coat of paint and put our new logo up on the wall. The potential we see in this new office is a reflection of the potential we see in each one of the young men and women with whom we work. They took pride in the manner in which they decorated the office, and they take pride in every project they put into place in their community. The heart and soul of Philanthropiece in Chajul will always live within the staff and Scholars, but it is certainly nice to have a home for them to conduct their work!

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