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The World Needs AleiyaAleiya Evison is a Senior at Monarch High School in Louisville, CO. She is an artist, a vocalist, a scholar, a traveler, and a dreamer. She is also a founding member of Philanthropiece’s Youth Global Leadership Program. Recently we we thinking about what it will be like to have Aleiya graduate and go off to college; we are not quite ready to let her go. But, in the words of great friend of Philanthropiece, Caroline Colvin: “The world needs Aleiya. She is going to do amazing things for people, create beautiful music and make a difference in many lives.”

Aleiya is a young woman who uses her voice brilliantly and who, through her YGL Cor Project, is empowering others to raise their voices as well.  Here’s what she has to say about who she is and what being a YGLer has meant to her:

The YGL program has made an impact on my life that I could have never imagined. Being a part of this program has taught me so much about the world that we live in and how we, as human beings, fit into it. It has taught me the importance of community, positive change, and sustainability, which – to be honest – were not things that I had really been thinking about. Being a YGLer has helped me grow and expand my view of the world indefinitely, challenging me to think about how I can create the most positive impact on this earth. YGL has drawn out my passion and shown me that I do not have limits. In other words, although it sounds cliche, YGL has shown me that I am capable of achieving anything that I want.

YGL and Philanthropiece have allowed me to meet incredible people and learn about organizations that have inspired me in ways that still give me chills just thinking about them. I have been supported by amazing people in Philanthropiece that believe in me. They have all taught me so much and I could never possibly thank them enough for the wealth of knowledge that they have given me.

I would not be who I am without YGL. This is an incredible program that is seeking to give youth, like me, a chance to change the world and identify their voices in a strong and passionate way. I encourage anyone who is interested to apply to YGL; it will bring infinite opportunities.

Thank you, Aleiya, we are so proud to have you as part of our Philanthropiece family!

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