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image00Martha Drew, Philanthopiece’s Regional Coordinator for our Community Bank Program in BCS, Mexico, continues our blog series, “Seeds of Savings,” on the impact that savings group are having in the region. This post is translated from Spanish, for the original version please page down.

During the past year that I have been working as a Regional Coordinator in Philanthropiece’s Community Bank Program, I have had the opportunity to get to know important aspects of my state: its people, its community members, its customs. Part of the magic of our savings group program is that we can work with people of the coast, the mountains, as well as the urban areas of Baja California Sur. In general I can say that my land is inhabited by people that retain their natural and simple way of life.

I am passionate about sharing the methodology of the Community Bank program. Of specific importance for me is planting the seeds of a culture of savings in the youth of Baja, Mexico. These are seeds of saving, organization, empowerment, and leadership, and in planting these seeds, we are nurturing these youth in becoming the future leaders of their communities.

Three Community Banks in Baja are currently led by middle school age youth. The pioneer youth-led Community Banks is in the community of San Francisco de la Sierra (in the Municipality of Mulegé). There are also youth-led Community Banks in Agua Verde (Municipality of Loreto), and another in El Dátil (Municipality of Mulegé). It is very important to highlight the support and willingness of the teachers of these youth, who nurture their ideas and help them to flourish.

Original Spanish version

Mi nombre es Martha Drew y trabajo para Philanthropiece. En estos dos meses de trabajo, he tenido la oportunidad de conocer una porción importanteOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA de mi estado, su gente, sus paisajes, sus costumbres y parte de sus tradiciones. La magia de esto es que podemos trabajar con gente de la costa, la sierra o en una porción urbana de Baja California Sur. En general puedo decir que mi tierra está habitada por personas que conservan su esencia natural y sencilla de vivir.

Quiero compartir la importancia que tiene para Philanthropiece el sembrar en los jóvenes de Baja la semilla por el ahorro, la organización, empoderamiento y liderazgo, como futuros guías de sus comunidades.

Hoy en día tenemos tres bancos comunitarios liderados por niños o jóvenes de escuela secundaria: uno en San Francisco de la Sierra (municipio Mulegé) , en Agua Verde (municipio Loreto) y uno más en la comunidad de El Dátil (municipio Mulegé).  Es muy importante destacar el apoyo y buena disposición de sus maestros quienes apoyan la idea.

Martha Drew is Philanthropiece’s Regional Coordinator in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico. She is also an instructor in the Universidad Autonoma, BCS.