On Saturday, April 25th many board members and staff of Philanthropiece participated in the I Volunteer! Day, through the Volunteer Connection of Boulder County. Philanthropiece was proud to sponsor and participate in such a wonderful event benefitting our local community.
I imagine many of us were considering rolling over and going back to sleep on such a cold and dreary, wet day and at such an early hour on a Saturday morning. Instead,
Some of us were fogged out of hauling slash…
Some of us may have had frozen fingertips planting trees …
Some of us spruced up facilities for at risk teens and emergency housing for families…
Others of us brought our kids along and decorated food delivery bags or cleaned and repaired bikes.

Katie’s husband Brian and their son Finn decorating bags for Project Angel Heart
All in all, everyone had a great experience and enjoyed our volunteer time. Board member Nancy Stevens commented that she’s “starting to dig this manual labor”!

Colleen’s son Cooper “decorating” bags