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My name is Jackie Reed and I’m currently a sophomore at Fairview High School.  I’m the average

 high school student.  I have been involved in swim team and theater ever since elementary school and strive to get good grades to sa
tisfy my parent’s standards.  But I also love connecting with people, if it’s meeting new friends or even connecting high school kids from two different countries.
Which is exactly what I did for my Spanish class last year.  I was introduced to the pen pal program when I was in eighth grade.  I began sending letters to a girl my age in Baja, Mexico.  We exchanged pictures, little trinkets and she even sent me a shell with my name painted on it.  But I was off to high school after six letters.  When I got to

my high school Spanish class, I absolutely loved it.  I just thought the students and I would really enjoy exchanging letters with students in Spanish to learn their culture and about them.  So I worked to bring the pen pal program to my new school.

And who doesn’t like meeting someone who lives in another country?  What I love about the exchange program is that you learn about another student’s culture and it is a great way to practice your Spanish without getting points off!  In the future I’m hoping to visit Mexico and speak almost all Spanish and hardly any English.  I really recommend this program for anyone looking for a fun new way to meet someone!
Special Guest Blogger: Jackie Reed
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