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I have put a lot of energy into this summer internship, but the most impactful aspect of this position has been the amount of energy Philanthropiece as an organization has invested in me. Katie and Colleen both arranged meetings with other foundations so that I could get a broader prospective on the work foundations do, I was included in all staff meetings, and invited to attend board meetings and lunches with friends of Philanthropiece/ partner organizations as well.  The time the women of Philanthropiece have dedicated to answering my questions and broadening my horizons is truly appreciated, and I find myself feeling at home in the office.  It’s only natural that I’m hesitant to leave. Fortunately, Libby Cook (Executive Director, Co-Founder) has offered the unprecedented opportunity to extend my experience with an independent research project focusing on evaluating Philanthropiece’s Baja Small Business Loan Program. Professor Bernhard (professor of statistics at the University of Puget Sound) will be supervising the mathematical aspects of the project, and I can’t wait to get started. This internship has served not only as an experiential education, but as a critical stepping stone to my future. Working with Philanthropiece has opened my eyes to so many opportunities in the non-profit sector, and seeing the amazing work of these women, I’m convinced more than ever that this will be my career path. I’m going to take the lessons learned from this internship and use them as the inspiration for future positions.  As my summer internship comes to a close, I’m starting to realize that sometimes the end is just the beginning.

By Carrie Keith, Philanthropiece Office Intern

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