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Philanthropiece is pleased to announce the addition of two summer interns!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJon Milgrom joins us from the University of Colorado law school.  His prior experience includes working as a secondary school teacher with Teach for America in low-income communities in Hawai’i, Colorado, and New York. Jonathan earned a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Hawai’i and a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and Economics from Hamilton College. He has extensive experience traveling internationally and is passionate about empowering change makers in developing communities. Jon will be putting his research skills to good use with Philanthropiece this summer as he supports our programs in Latin America, with a specific focus on the pros and cons of becoming an NGO in Guatemala and Mexico.

IMG_2543 - Version 2Bailey Adams is a familiar face at Philanthropiece, since she graduated from our own Youth Global Leadership program.  She is currently a student at American University in Washington, D.C., where she is studying Public Health and International Studies with a concentration in International Development. In high school, Bailey traveled to Cambodia on a service learning initiative, where she was inspired to create the Cambodia Orphanage Project, an organization dedicated to improving the lives of marginalized children in Cambodia through education and life skills opportunities. She has also traveled throughout India where she had the opportunity to work with Tibetan Refugees.  At American University she is serving as co-president of Empower Congo and is an active member of Delta Phi Epsilon, the professional Foreign Service organization on campus. Bailey is passionate about education, gender equality, public health, traveling, and being inspired by the amazing people around her.  This summer, Bailey will make a great contribution to the evolution of our Youth Global Leadership program, and will support Philanthropiece with our social media efforts. Look for some of Bailey’s contributions on our website!

Welcome, Bailey and Jon!

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