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On Tuesday, January 4th, four members of YGL, Hannah Davinroy, Aleiya Evison, Rachel Moline, Emily Robertson  volunteered at an elementary school.  Kristen Moline, the IB coordinator at the school, invited us to volunteer and especially to do a presentation on leadership to the fourth grade classes who were studying it.  Alsup Elementary School, located in Commerce City, is 100% free- and reduced-lunch.  Breakfast is also served.  Many of the students have challenging lives at home with limited academic support.  Over 50% of the population at the school is learning English as a Second Language.  If you walked down the halls of Alsup, however, you would think it is an elementary school like any other.  Even with the limited resources available, Alsup applies for every grant that they can.  They are an International Baccalaureate school and get support from that program.  We started our day in the library where we helped three classes of rambunctious kindergartners check out books and then read in small groups.  We also helped the kindergarten classes with a sewing project (they were learning about material) and reading stations.  After three hours of Jan Brett, we went to help a teacher witha project of hers: building a compost pile that would fuel the school gardens.  YGL dug small trenches to stabilize crates tied together with twine.  Then, it was lunch.  We ate and discussed how we would present leadership to the fourth graders.  We then went back to the library this time to read to first and second graders.  More sewing followed and then we gave our presentation on leadership.  The fourthgrade classes were split into two different groups.  We split into groups of two as well.  We started with a team building activity, the human knot, and then discussed how communication is an essential part of being a leader.  Finally, we helped a third grade class do a project on their hero in the computer lab.

Although thoroughly exhausted at the end of the day, the YGL team did some well appreciated work.  We made an impact, however brief, on the education of these kids.  Maybe when they’re confronted with an opportunity to join a leadership program, they’ll remember YGL and how much fun we all had together.  As a group, we experienced the challenges that face kids who are living at or below the poverty line.  We left with an understanding that good mentors are essential for kids to be inspired.  We also learned about the importance and difficulties of educating a younger generation.  As part of our entrepreneurial portion of YGL, we have brainstormed launching a leadership camp for younger kids.  To pilot this program and our curriculum, we thought that we could do a free trial run at Alsup Elementary School as a follow-up to our volunteer work there on Tuesday.   Stay Tuned!

Submitted by Hannah DavinroyYouth Global Leadership member

The Philanthropiece Youth Global Leadership program addresses issues, both locally and globally, through direct change in communities worldwide.   They work to inspire and develop a new generation of leaders with a goal of fostering relationships, and involving the world’s youth in change. 

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