“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” -The Dalai Lama
The Philanthropiece Youth Global Leadership Program (YGL) helped me to realize my own potential and gave me the self-confidence to make a difference in my world.
After traveling to Cambodia on a service trip in 2010 to work in an orphanage with impoverished youth, I returned home with a global perspective, a passion for social justice, and a vision – but no outlet to make this vision come to life. I had attempted to create a club at my high school only to find that few other people shared my passion for this cause and for social justice. Becoming a part of YGL let me put my visi on to make a difference in motion. The passion, excitement, openness, and support of fellow YGLers were the reasons I was able to help those in Cambodia. They encouraged and pushed me at all stages of my project, Cambodia Orphanage Project. My peers and were eager to offer help, support, and suggestions.
Once I graduated high school and moved to Washington DC to attend American University, I passed on the Cambodia Orphanage Project to two younger girls in the YGL program who were eager to keep it going at their high school and in YGL. They continue to make a difference in the lives of impoverished children overseas.
Through YGL, I discovered a group of like-minded individuals who gave me the self-confidence to pursue my goals while opening my eyes to many new perspectives and experiences. I was not only able to pursue my passion in Cambodia, but I was able to make a difference at a local level through our community service-learning projects.
Because of this, I knew when I began college that I had the ability and confidence to continue to make a difference. I joined a club on campus called Empower Congo. YGL empowered me with strong leadership skills and confidence that I applied to be on the Executive Board of the club and was accepted! Empower Congo brings speakers and world leaders to campus in order to engage and collaborate on projects addressing the M23 rebellion in Eastern Congo. We are also actively working to make American University a conflict mineral free campus and to raise money for the Panzi Hospital to benefit rape victims. Empower Congo has played a significant role in my college experience and I love the work that I am doing.
I have been using what I learned through the YGL program to stay involved in college and to continue to pursue my passion for global change. I might not have been able to work on global issues that are important to me as actively as I am today, without the Youth Global Leadership Program.
I am now empowered to build a better world.