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The good fortune of being involved with Philanthropiece has been a wonderful journey in finding and fulfilling collective and personal interests and passions.  My healthcare experience and interest in environmental sustainability have broadened into volunteer work and perspectives in international community development and empowerment, which began with Philanthropiece giving me the opportunity and exposure to such projects.

Currently, I am working with Practice Greenhealth on efforts to implement environmentally sustainable practices in healthcare facilities, and organizer of Cleanmed 2012, which will be held in Denver next spring.  I am also working with Project Cure, a wonderful medical foundation which receives donated medical supplies and equipment for worldwide dispersal and use, and enjoys a partnership with Walmart, who backhauls the items to regional collection centers.  I am pursuing a post-master’s certificate at the University of Maryland Global Health Office, which focuses on social justice and anticipated health impacts due to climate change.  Onward!

from Julie Moyle, Advisory Board Member at Philanthropiece since 2006.

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