Rebecca Battenfelder

While Becca has passion and thirst for knowledge from her formal educational background, Recreation Management and Community Development, her day to day activities have shifted over the years. Many of the project based studies concentrating around sustainable development and tourism catch her attention, however raising her children have grounded her into the community threads of Boulder, Colorado. As a mother of three young girls, she has concentrated energy on nourishing their bodies and minds while creatively experimenting in the culinary world of her kitchen with her passion for cooking and gardening. She practices daily routines with her girls that encompass aspects of patience, strength, bravery and courage through interpersonal interactions, volunteering, art, physical activities, elements of literacy, music and outdoor adventure. Working alongside the Philanthropiece family, Becca has been able to continue to pursue her attention, learning and interest in environmental justice, youth development and aspects of social equity (and inequity). She brings joy and curiosity to the team and is glad to be part of the Philanthropiece narrative as their story unfolds.
A headshot of Becca. She has a ponytail, bangs, laugh lines, and a lavender tank top.