Katie Doyle Myers

Katie’s ideal day at Philanthropiece would entail a dinámica with the team in Chajul, a visioning session in the Barn with the Colorado crew, and an opportunity to accompany her compañeros in México to a community savings group meeting. She is grateful everyday to be in the presence of folks who inspire and challenge her, who care for her and teach her what it means to truly stand for justice and solidarity. That day could only be made better by including a few moments to cook a healthy meal for her family, practice yoga or run the trails, connect with friends in her small town of Louisville, read a nonfiction book, and to share a laugh and a hug with her three best guys, husband Bryan and sons Phineas and Leo. Katie hopes to bring to Philanthropiece and to her community conscious leadership, keen awareness, a willingness to listen and learn, an open mind, and a compassionate heart.