Joan M. Knudson

“My years with Philanthropiece have opened up worlds both within myself and outside of myself that I never knew, or could have dreamed, existed. I am forever changed.”
Joan brings her accounting and financial background to the organization, overseeing the unexciting but necessary realities of accounting and tax compliance, among other things. She has been with Philanthropiece since 2005, first as Co-Executive Director and now as Co-Chair, Board of Directors. What really gets her excited at Philanthropiece is the incredibly talented and diverse group of people she is privileged to learn from and grow with. Every day brings opportunities to be awakened and healthily challenged, and she feels she has learned more in less than 15 years with Philanthropiece than in the several decades that came before. Notwithstanding her knack for accounting, Joanie tends to approach life heart first and brings her thoughtful sensitivity to Philanthropiece, always striving to ensure our work remains true to our values. Joan loves spending time with her family and friends, rejuvenating through creative endeavors, horseback riding, and spending time with the earth. She particularly dislikes writing bios.
A white woman in a white short-sleeved shirt stands in front of foliage and smiles. She has collarbone-length gray hair, bangs, and dangle bronze earrings.