Aleiya Evison
Philanthropiece has been an integral part of Aleiya’s journey, rooted in her participation in co-creating Youth Global Leadership back in 2009 as a high school student. Through YGL, she had the beautiful opportunity to grapple with questions ranging from immigration justice, to creative expression and empowerment. Being in YGL fundamentally shaped her passion for social justice work, and she went on to study Ethnic Studies and Political Science at the University of Oregon. In May 2020, she also completed her Master’s in Design Studies at Harvard Graduate School of Design, where she explored the intersection of design, liberation, and creative practice. She is currently an independent consultant working with organizations such as Open Architecture Collaborative and BlackSpace Urbanist Collective to facilitate spaces for equitable practice in urban design. She is also a fellow with Moonshot edVentures, where she is designing a fellowship for young designers of color in Colorado called Collective Design Lab. She believes in the power of relational organizing, and looks forward to being back home in Colorado to build community and dream collective visions of liberation. Outside of work, Aleiya loves to take her puppy Mr. Rogers on adventures, care for her plants, cook, and practice tarot and astrology.